Blog & News
The True Cost of a Bad Hire and How to Avoid It
Making a bad hire is one of the most common issues for companies. In fact, 95% of businesses state that they’ve hired the wrong person for the role at least once during a year. However, many company owners are still not aware of the true cost of a bad hire.
Avoid These Common CV Mistakes to Boost Your Job Prospects
A CV (Curriculum Vitae) is often the first impression you make on a potential employer. It’s
your chance to showcase your skills, experience, and suitability for a role. However, many
job seekers make mistakes that can significantly reduce their chances of securing an
interview. In this blog
Recruitment Challenges and Solutions in the Technology Sector
The technology sector is one of the most dynamic and fast-paced industries today. With
rapid advancements and continuous innovation, the demand for skilled professionals is at
an all-time high. However, recruiting top talent in the technology sector poses unique
challenges. This blog post explores these challenges in
The Art of Work-Life Balance: An Insightful Guide by Olinio
Ah, the elusive work-life balance. It’s like trying to find a unicorn that also knows how to
make a perfect cup of tea. We all strive for it, talk about it at length, and maybe even make
resolutions to achieve it, but somehow it remains tantalisingly out of
Crafting a Standout CV for Tech Roles: Insider Tips for Success – Copy
In today’s competitive job market, finding the right talent can be a daunting task.
Companies across various industries face the challenge of not only attracting but also
retaining top talent. This is where recruitment agencies come into play. By leveraging the
expertise and resources of a recruitment
The Hidden Costs of High Staff Turnover: Impact on Company Culture and Employee Well-Being
High staff turnover is a significant issue that many companies face. It can be a symptom of
underlying problems within the organisation and can lead to various negative outcomes.
Understanding the profound impact that high turnover has on company culture and the
well-being of remaining staff is